Sustainability Linked Loan Framework

MFLP-REIT aims to strengthen the funding base by expanding the group of investors interested in ESG investment and financing, along with promoting initiatives for ESG even further, by procuring funds through ESG finance.

Sustainability Linked Loan Framework

Overview of the Sustainability Linked Loan Framework

With a view to procuring the Sustainability Linked Loan, MFLP-REIT has developed the Framework, the first time for J-REIT.
Under the Framework, “CO2 emission intensity in logistics facilities (Scope 1 and 2)” was selected as a KPI (the "KPI"), and the following SPT was established based on the KPI.
Sustainability Linked Loans are loan products that aim to help borrowers and lenders achieve sustainability by incentivizing the achievement of ambitious SPTs predetermined by the borrower.

The selection of KPI

The KPI "energy conservation and reduction of CO2 emissions" selected for this framework corresponds to "reduction of environmental impact and energy generation" among the six priority action items in the "VISION 2025" ,which policy of Mitsui Fudosan Group. It is also consistent with the content of the environmental KPI set by MFLP-REIT in March 2022.

Measurement of SPT

In the "CO2 emissions intensity of logistics real estate (base year: 2016)" section of the environmental KPI set in March 2022, MFLP-REIT has set a target of 100% reduction by 2030 compared to the base year for the owner-managed portion (Scope 1 and 2).
If the loan term ends before 2030, reduction targets shall be set for the individual loan term, as necessary, and shall be specified in the Loan Agreement and other documents.

Characteristics of the Loan

The borrowing rate will be linked to the degree of achievement of the SPT as follows:

Details of SPT determination Incentive/Disincentive
Scope 1 and 2: Reduce CO2 emissions intensity from logistics real estate by 100% by 2030 compared to 2016 (base year) Reduction of applicable interest rates upon achievement of SPT
Scope 1 and 2: Reduce CO2 emissions intensity from logistics real estate in 2030 below 2016 (base year) Increase in applicable interest rate when SPT not achieved

The specific applicable interest rate linkage range shall be separately stipulated in the Loan Agreement, etc. for each individual loan.

In cases where reduction targets are set for individual loan periods, the details of the determination of SPT and the applicable conditions shall also be separately stipulated in the Loan Agreement, etc.

External Review

MFLP-REIT has gotten Rating and Investment Information, Inc. to obtain the second opinion that the Framework complies with the "Sustainability Linked Loan Principles" and the Ministry of Environment Guidelines on “Expectations for Sustainability Linked Loans”. The second opinion is available on their website.

Borrowing Status of Sustainability Linked Loans Utilizing this Framework

You can scroll this table left and right.

Lenders Classification Amount
(Millions of yen)
Term Status of
fund allocation
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Long-term 500 0.50% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2027 22nd 4 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Long-term 400 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Long-term 500 0.5875% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2027 22nd 4 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
MUFG Bank, Ltd. Long-term 300 0.5375% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2027 22nd 4 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Bank of Fukuoka Long-term 500 1.0175% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2030 29th 7.5 years allocated Unsecured
Nippon Life Insurance Company Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Norinchukin Bank Long-term 500 0.9663% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2030 28th 7 years allocated Unsecured
The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd. Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
Shinkin Central Bank Long-term 500 1.2265% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2032 33rd 9.5 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Life Insurance Company Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Chiba Bank, Ltd. Long-term 400 1.0175% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2030 29th 7.5 years allocated Unsecured
SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited Long-term 500 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Joyo Bank, Ltd. Long-term 400 1.0175% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2030 29th 7.5 years allocated Unsecured
Daishi Hokuetsu Bank, Ltd. Long-term 400 0.9663% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2030 28th 7 years allocated Unsecured
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. Long-term 400 1.2265% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 02, 2032 33rd 9.5 years allocated Unsecured
Momiji Bank Ltd. Long-term 400 1.2265% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 02, 2032 33rd 9.5 years allocated Unsecured
The Keiyo Bank, Ltd. Long-term 400 1.0175% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2030 29th 7.5 years allocated Unsecured
The Yamagata Bank Ltd. Long-term 400 0.9663% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2030 28th 7 years allocated Unsecured
Kiraboshi Bank, Ltd. Long-term 300 0.9663% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2030 28th 7 years allocated Unsecured
Kiraboshi Bank, Ltd. Long-term 200 1.2743% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2033 34th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. Long-term 500 1.0175% Fixed Feb 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2030 29th 7.5 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Long-term 1,700 1.1300% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 02, 2032 32nd 8 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Long-term 1,200 1.3238% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 01, 2034 36th 10 years allocated Unsecured
The Norinchukin Bank Long-term 1,000 1.2275% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 01, 2033 34th 9年 allocated Unsecured
The Joyo Bank, Ltd. Long-term 1,000 1.13% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 02, 2032 32nd 8 years allocated Unsecured
Daishi Hokuetsu Bank, Ltd. Long-term 1,000 0.9888% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 03, 2031 30th 7 years allocated Unsecured
Resona Bank, Limited Long-term 1,500 Base rate
+0.2375% (*1)
Floating Feb 01, 2024 Aug 01, 2033 35th 9.5 years allocated Unsecured
The Keiyo Bank, Ltd. Long-term 500 0.9888% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Feb 03, 2031 30th 7 years allocated Unsecured
The Yamagata Bank Ltd. Long-term 700 1.2756% Fixed Feb 01, 2024 Aug 01, 2033 35th 9.5 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Long-term 1,000 1.145% Fixed Feb 05, 2024 Feb 05, 2032 32nd 8 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Long-term 500 Base rate
+0.225% (*1)
Floating Feb 05, 2024 Feb 07, 2033 34th 9 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Long-term 600 Base rate
+0.225% (*1)
Floating Mar 01, 2024 Feb 07, 2033 34th 9 years allocated Unsecured
The Chiba Bank, Ltd. Long-term 1,000 0.9563% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 17, 2031 30th 7 years allocated Unsecured
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Long-term 1,400 1.0975% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2032 32nd 8 years allocated Unsecured
Shinkin Central Bank Long-term 1,500 1.0975% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2032 32nd 8 years allocated Unsecured
Resona Bank, Limited Long-term 500 Base rate
+0.2125% (*1)
Floating Mar 15, 2024 Sep 15, 2032 33rd 8.5 years allocated Unsecured
The Norinchukin Bank Long-term 500 1.195% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2033 34th 9 years allocated Unsecured
SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited Long-term 1,200 1.195% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2033 34th 9 years allocated Unsecured
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Long-term 800 1.2888% Fixed Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2034 36th 10 years allocated Unsecured
Total 27,600 -

(注1) The base interest rate is the JBA three-month Japanese Yen TIBOR published by JBA. Even if the interest calculation period is less than three months, the base interest rate will be calculated using the three-month JBA Japanese Yen TIBOR.
The JBA Japanese yen TIBOR can be found on the website of the JBA TIBOR Administration (

Click here for the List of Interest-Bearing Debt

Reporting and Verification

MFLP-REIT shall submit evidence to the Lender regarding SPT results (Reduction rate of CO2 emissions intensity for Scope 1 and 2 compared to the base year) for the previous calculation year by June 30 of each calculation year, regardless of whether the SPT is determined or not. However, if MFLP-REIT has publicized the same information on website, etc., submission of the materials is not required.

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