Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park

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Financial Highlights

Operating revenue

(Millions of yen)

Net income

(Millions of yen)

Total assets

(Millions of yen)

Distribution per unit

13th FP 14th FP 15th FP 16th FP 17th FP
Operating revenues (Millions of yen) 10,960 11,478 11,845 12,413 6,498
Operating income (Millions of yen) 4,504 4,604 4,738 4,821 2,369
Ordinary income (Millions of yen) 4,206 4,261 4,407 4,360 2,127
Net income (Millions of yen) 4,205 4,260 4,405 4,359 2,126
Net assets (Millions of yen) 204,230 203,652 217,781 216,730 213,255
Total assets (Millions of yen) 336,551 350,013 361,107 386,162 385,994
Equity ratio (%) 60.7 58.2 60.3 56.1 55.2
Distribution per unit (Yen) 8,401 8,804 8,898 9,214 4,657
(Note 1):  In the 17th fiscal period, the operating period was changed to three months from August 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024 due to the merger with Advance Logistics Investment Corporation, and the forecast distribution amount for this three-month operating period is shown.
(Note 2):  “Distribution per unit” is including distributions in excess of earnings.

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