Supported Initiatives, External Evaluation, Etc.


Support for various environmental initiatives

The Asset Management Company declares its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and is a member of the TCFD Consortium. From FY2022, it has also declared its support for the Japan Climate Initiative, and is working to create a framework for disclosing financial information related to climate change. Also became a signatory to the Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century in March 2023. By acting on the principles, it will undertake its investment management in a responsible manner for the formation of a sustainable society.


External evaluation

Participation in GRESB Real Estate Assessment

GRESB is an annual benchmarking assessment to measure ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) integration of real estate companies and funds, as well as the name of organization which runs the assessment. It was founded in 2009 by a group of major European pension funds who played leading roles in launching Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).The GRESB Real Estate Assessment is distinguished by its comprehensive evaluation of sustainability efforts of real estate companies and REITs, etc., and not of individual properties.

MFLP-REIT has received the highest “5 Stars” in GRESB Rating continuing from last year, which is based on GRESB Overall Score and its quintile position relative to global participants.

In addition, MFLP-REIT has won a “Green Star” designation for the 4-consecutive year since it is highly evaluated in both areas “Management Component” that evaluates policies and organizational structure for ESG promotion, and “Performance Component” that assesses environmental performance and tenant engagement of properties owned.

Also received the highest “A revel” for the GRESB Public Disclosure, which assess the width of ESG disclosure.

Initiatives for ESG finance

In addition to further promoting ESG initiatives by procuring funds through ESG finance, MFLP-REIT intends to strengthen the funding base by expanding our sources of funding through approaching the group of investors interested in ESG investment and financing.

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