Initiatives to Obtain Green Building Certification

Policy for acquiring Green Building certification

MFLP-REIT sets the targets as described on Environmental KPIs with the aim of acquiring Green Building certification for its entire portfolio for the purpose of reducing the environmental risks of its portfolio and increasing asset value over the medium to long term.

MFLP-REIT has been actively working to acquire Green Building certification, including ZEB certification. As of November 1, 2024, the proportion of logistics facilities that have acquired Green Building certification was 97.9%, and the equivalent figure for portfolio as a whole was 95.1%.

DBJ Green Building Certification

DBJ Green Building Certification aims to encourage the spread of real estate (“green buildings”) that takes into account environmental performance and disaster preparedness, as well as the societal needs of various stakeholders, including local communities. This is assessed using a proprietary scoring model developed by Development Bank of Japan Inc., resulting in selected properties that address the needs of the times being given a ranking of 1 to 5 on a 5-star scale.

CASBEE certification for Real Estate

CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) is a comprehensive system, created under the leadership of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, for evaluating the quality of buildings. In addition to the original goals of reduced energy consumption and the use of building materials with low environmental impacts, it also takes into account the comfort of the interior and the landscape.

The CASBEE certification awarded by the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation and its designated certification bodies consists of four evaluation tools: CASBEE for Pre-Design, CASBEE for New Construction, CASBEE for Existing Building, and CASBEE for Renovation. These are used to provide an evaluation on a five-grade scale: Superior (S), Very Good (A), Good (B+), Slightly Poor (B-) and Poor (C). CASBEE certification for real estate for buildings whose construction was completed at least one year ago consists of an evaluation on a four-grade scale (S, A, B+, or B), which is in turn based on an assessment spanning five different categories: energy/greenhouse gases, water, materials, biodiversity/sustainable site, and indoor environment.

BELS certification

BELS is a third-party evaluation system that displays the energy-saving performance of buildings. From April 2016, real estate companies and other entities are required to make efforts to display the energy-saving performance of buildings based on the Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings (“Building Energy Efficiency Act”). The specific method of display is set out in the energy conservation performance display guidelines for buildings prescribed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and BELS is assessed based on these guidelines and rated on a 5-star scale.

ZEB certification

ZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) is a building that aims to achieve a zero energy balance through substantial reductions in annual primary energy consumption. This is achieved by saving as much energy as possible via better thermal insulation of the building and highly energy efficient equipment, etc., coupled with creating energy by solar power generation or other energy generating methods, while maintaining a comfortable environment. In the BELS certification system, the certification of the level of ZEB is presented in four stages: “ZEB,” “Nearly ZEB,” “ZEB Ready,” and “ZEB Oriented.”

Certification acquisition status for portfolio properties
(as of November 01, 2024)

  • Green Building
    certification acquired
    in logistics facilities
  • Green Building
    certification acquired for
    portfolio as a whole
  • ZEB certification
    acquired in
    logistics facilities
This table can be scrolled sideways.
Property name DBJ Green Building
(New Construction)
(Real Estate)
BELS certificationZEB certification
GLP/MFLP Ichikawa Shiohama Rank A *1 Rank S *1 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Kuki ★★★★ Rank A *1 ★★★★
MFLP Yokohama Daikoku ★★★★★ *1 Rank S ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Yashio Rank A *1
MFLP Atsugi ★★★★ *1 Rank A *2
MFLP Funabashi Nishiura Rank A *1
MFLP Kashiwa Rank A *1
MFLP Sakai *3 ★★★★★ Rank S *1 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Komaki Rank A *2
MFLP Hino ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Hiratsuka Rank A *2
MFLP Tsukuba
(Existing building)
MFLP Tsukuba (Annex building) ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Inazawa ★★★★★ Rank A *1 Rank A *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP AtsugiⅡ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ 『ZEB』
MFLP FukuokaⅠ Rank A *1
MFLP Prologis Park Kawagoe ★★★★★ Rank A *1 ★★★★★
MFLP HiroshimaⅠ ★★★★★ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Ibaraki ★★★★★ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP KawaguchiⅠ ★★★★ Rank S *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Yachiyo Katsutadai ★★★★★ Nearly ZEB
MFLP OsakaⅠ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP HiratsukaⅡ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
MFLP Osaka Katano Rank A ★★★★★ 『ZEB』
MFLP Tomei Ayase Rank A *2 ★★★★★
MFLP Tokorozawa Rank B+ *2
MFLP Hiratsuka Ⅲ Rank A *2 ★★★★★ Nearly ZEB
MFLP ShinkibaⅠ ★★★★★ 『ZEB』
SG Realty MFLP Fukuoka Kasuya Rank A ★★★★★ 『ZEB』
i Missions Park Kashiwa ★★★
i Missions Park Noda ★★★
i Missions Park Moriya ★★★★ ★★★★★
i Missions Park Misato ★★★★ ★★★★
i Missions Park Chiba-Kita ★★★★★
i Missions Park Inzai ★★★★ ★★★★★
i Missions Park Kashiwa 2 Rank S ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
i Missions Park Inzai 2 ★★★★ ★★★★★
i Missions Park Tokyo Adachi ★★★★ ★★★★★
i Missions Park Miyoshi ★★★★ ★★★★★
i Missions Park Ichikawa-Shiohama Rank S ★★★★★ ZEB Ready
i Missions Park Atsugi 2 Rank A *2 ★★★★★
i Missions Park Kazo Rank A *2
Total certifications acquired 18 11 19 30 19

(Note 1)The certification period has expired.

(Note 2)This is an evaluation based on the local government notification system.

(Note 3)In addition to the above green building certifications, MFLP Sakai also won the FY2015 Osaka Environmentally Friendly Architecture Award (Retail and other facilities category).

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