Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park

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  4. Focus on MFLP・IMP Facilities

Investment Strategy

Focus on MFLP and IMP facilities

Among the logistics facilities that MFLP-REIT primarily invests in, it has a particular focus on MFLP facilities (leading-edge logistics facilities developed by Mitsui Fudosan that meet the prescribed standard specifications) and IMP facilities (logistics facilities developed by ITOCHU Corporation and ITOCHU Property Development that meet the prescribed standard specifications). This focus has been chosen in light of MFLP-REIT's goal of establishing a portfolio that emphasizes location, quality and balance.

Emphasis onlocation

Investing in locations suitable for logistics facilities by focusing on MFLP and IMP facilities

MFLP-REIT acquires its logistics facilities which Mitsui Fudosan, as well as ITOCHU Corporation and ITOCHU Property Development develop, taking into consideration the following matters: access to transport nodes such as major roads and ports; broad-based location conditions; travel time to population centers; surrounding population; potential future environmental changes; and the supply-demand balance.

Map of Mitsui Fudosan's strategic areas

Investing in locations suitable for logistics facilities by focusing on MFLP facilities

*:  "Mitsui Fudosan's strategic area" refers to the region/area within which Mitsui Fudosan has determined to invest intensively in logistics facilities. The strategic area shown in this chart is based on material provided by Mitsui Fudosan.
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Portfolio Map
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Portfolio Data

Emphasis onbalance

Ensuring balance by acquiring a wide variety of leading-edge logistics facilities operated by Mitsui Fudosan and ITOCHU Group

We will establish a balanced portfolio by acquiring a wide variety of leading-edge logistics facilities developed for various logistics needs, tenant types and land sizes.

Ensuring balance by acquiring a wide variety of leading-edge logistics facilities operated by Mitsui Fudosan and ITOCHU Group

Rampway type

This type of logistics facility allows freight trucks direct access to truck berths located on each floor above ground level via a rampway.

A Rampway type

Characteristics of a Rampway type

Since a rampway requires a certain minimum site area, this type of facility is limited to large sites. On the other hand, since freight trucks can access each floor directly, these facilities, as well as accommodating tenants that require multiple floors, can also house tenants that only require a portion of a floor. Therefore, Rampway MFLP facilities are expected to serve as multi-tenante logistics facilities. Furthermore, due to the relatively large area of each floor, the ease of securing space for conveying or storing cargo horizontally, and the direct access of freight trucks to each floor, high efficiency can be expected in cargo unloading and shipping processes.

A Slope typeSlope type

This type of logistics facility allows freight trucks direct access to truck berths located on some of the floors above ground level via a slope.

Characteristics of a Slope type

Since a slope requires a certain amount of site area, this type of facility is considered suitable for medium-sized sites. Because freight trucks can access some of the upper floors directly, the facility can be divided into use for multiple tenants. Moreover, as the floor area required for each floor can be easily secured and freight trucks can directly access multiple floors, high efficiency can be expected in cargo unloading and shipping processes.

A Box typeBox type

In this type of logistics facility, freight trucks access truck berths located on the first floor. Cargo is conveyed by vertical conveyors to the upper floors.

Characteristics of a Box type

Since it has no rampway or slope, this type of facility is considered suitable for small sites. Because freight trucks access truck berths on the first floor and cargo is conveyed to the upper floors by vertical conveyors, it is also suitable for tenants with wholesale lease needs. Truck berths are often located on both sides or in an L-shape on the first floor, allowing for high efficiency in cargo unloading and shipping processes.

Note:  A dock leveler is a piece of equipment that eliminates the difference in levels between the platform and truck bed in order to provide ready access to the truck bed for forklifts and carts.

Securing growth and stability by acquiring MFLP facilities developed in consideration of land characteristics and tenant needs

Selective acquisition of sites suitable for logistics facilities and optimal development

Emphasis onquality

Focused investment on MFLP and IMP facilities: Leading-edge logistics facilities with added valued for stakeholders

MFLP-REIT considers the typical characteristics of MFLP and IMP facilities include not only high operational efficiency, convenience and safety but also additional facility specifications that apply the diverse needs of various stakeholders involved in logistics.

Leading-edge logistics facilities

MFLP-REIT defines an advanced logistics facility as one of sufficient size to realize the high process efficiency required by the tenant/end user, one that is well located and has the necessary equipment, and one that offers convenience and safety. It focuses on leading-edge logistics facilities that meet the following standard specifications:

An advanced logistics facility that offers high process efficiency

Additional facility specifications that address stakeholders

MFLP-REIT focuses on investing leading-edge logistics facilities that apply the diverse expertise gained as a comprehensive developer and a general trading company. These facilities have additional specifications that apply to various stakeholders, including facility users and local communities.

Applying comprehensive developer and general trading company expertise to logistics facilities

MFLP and IMP facilities and assets to be acquired are not equipped with all of the above features.

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