Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park

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About Us


Name Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park Inc. ("MFLP-REIT")
Representative Hiroshi Asai, Executive Director
Address 8-7, Ginza 6-chome Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Asset management company Mitsui Fudosan Logistics REIT Management Co., Ltd.


Feb. 24, 2016
Notification of Incorporation by the founder, Mitsui Fudosan Logistics REIT Management Co., Ltd., under Article 69-1 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations ("Investment Trust Act")
Mar. 4, 2016
Registration of incorporation, and foundation under Article 166 of the Investment Trust Act
Mar. 9, 2016
Application for registration under Article 188 of the Investment Trust Act
Mar. 25, 2016
Registered by the Prime Minister under Article 189 of the Investment Trust Act
(Registration Number: Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau No. 114)
Jun. 6, 2016
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (The 1st General Meeting of Unitholders)
Aug. 2, 2016
Listed on the J-REIT section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Oct. 30, 2017
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (The 2nd General Meeting of Unitholders)
Oct. 27, 2021
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (The 4th General Meeting of Unitholders)
Oct. 27, 2023
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (The 5th General Meeting of Unitholders)

Members of the Board of Directors

Name Position Background Number of
units owned
Hiroshi Asai Executive Director Apr. 1976 Joined Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. 6
Apr. 1999 General Manager of Real Estate Securitization Department, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2003 General Manager of Accounting and Finance Department, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2005 Managing Officer and General Manager of Accounting and Finance Department,
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2008 Group Officer of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. Seconded to Mitsui Fudosan Investment Advisors, Inc. President & CEO
Apr. 2009 Group Senior Officer of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
President & CEO of Mitsui Fudosan Investment Advisors, Inc.
Apr. 2011 Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
(Chair, Risk Management Committee - March 2015)
Jun. 2011 Executive Managing Director and Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2013 Managing Director and Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2015 Managing Director of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2015 Senior Corporate Auditor of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2019 Advisor to Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Nov. 2021 Executive Director, Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park Inc. (present post)
Izuru Goto Supervisory Director Apr. 1986 Registered as an Attorney at Law (Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association) -
Apr. 1986 Furness, Sato & Ishizawa
Nov. 1989 Tanaka & Takahashi
Jun. 1993 Registered as an Attorney at Law in New York, U.S.A
May 2001 Yuwa Partners (currently, City-Yuwa Partners) (present post)
Mar. 2016 Supervisory Director, Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park Inc. (present post)
June 2016 Corporate Auditor (part-time), Tobishima Corporation
May 2020 Manager of Legal Division (part-time), Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association
Eiko Osawa Supervisory Director Oct. 1989 Asahi Shinwa & Co. (currently, KPMG AZSA LLC) -
Jun. 1993 Showa Ota & Co. (currently, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
Aug. 1993 Registered as a Certified Public Accountant
Aug. 2005 Seconded to Financial Accounting Standards Foundation
Research Specialist
Oct. 2006 Seconded to International Accounting Standards Board
Visiting Researcher
Jul. 2008 Partner, Shin Nihon & Co. (currently, Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
Jul. 2021 Representative, Osawa Certified Public Accountant Office (present post)
Nov. 2021 Supervisory Director, Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park Inc. (present post)
Jun. 2023 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, EXEO Group, Inc. (present post)
Jun. 2024 Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), Nintendo Co., Ltd. (present post)

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